Bethesda was opened in 1932 as a centre of Christian worship and service. We proclaim the good news of the Christian faith.

We are an independent Church, committed to the faith of the Bible. We acknowledge only one name as worthy of our allegiance, that of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We hold a variety of services and activities aimed at a wide range of ages and interests. We try to make all the meetings interesting and enjoyable and everyone is welcome.

We have no ordained minister. Leadership is the responsibility of a number of Elders chosen from within the Church. All members of the Church are encouraged to use and develop their God given abilities in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We support a wide range of Christian initiatives both in this country and overseas, including medical work, education programmes, relief agencies and missionary activities. We have people from the Church who are serving God in other countries.

We practise baptism of believers by total immersion in water.

Every Sunday we share bread and wine, in the simple way the Lord Jesus did with his disciples just before He died, as a remembrance of Him.

We assure you of a warm and sincere welcome to our services and other activities.

Who are we?

We believe that…

  • The historic Christian faith as taught in the Bible is inspired by God.

  • God is one. The Bible teaches that He exists as a “Trinity” of persons in perfect unity: living eternally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • God became man. The Lord Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit.

  • The Lord Jesus came into the world to deal with our selfishness and rebellion: our sins have cut us off from God.

  • He lived a perfect life. He died the cruel death of crucifixion and in doing so took upon Himself the punishment that was rightfully ours.

  • Three days after His crucifixion He rose from the dead. He later ascended to heaven and today lives as the sole mediator between God and man. One day He will return.

  • Those who accept Christ now will spend eternity with Him. However, God has set a time when He will judge those who have failed to accept Him.

  • God has given that the Holy Spirit to live within believers to comfort and to guide them.

  • A person’s only hope of being forgiven for their sins by God is by repentance and wholehearted acceptance of Christ as Saviour and Lord.

What do we believe?

At Bethesda we acknowledge that children and young people must at all times be looked after and cared for with love and understanding in a responsible manner. To achieve this we have produced clear guidelines for all volunteers involved in the various children and youth activities of the Church. Volunteers have received training on protecting children from harm and providing them with the highest possible quality of care.

We acknowledge our legal responsibility in line with legislation and expect all volunteers to go through an assessment of their suitability for involvement with children or young people. Volunteers certify they do not have any previous prosecutions, convictions, cautions or bind over orders. Certifications are verified where necessary and the Wales Council for Voluntary Action provide support in undertaking Criminal Records Bureau checks.

Risk assessments are carried out on activities and high risk activities are avoided. We have accident reporting procedures designed to ensure that appropriate action is taken and that parents are informed of the details.

Annually, we ask parents to complete a form giving their permission to allow their child to be involved in the various activities of the Church, including transportation in the minibus or by car.

We take seriously care and safety of children, believing that our Lord Jesus Christ gave us a clear command to care for and protect children encouraging them to know the Lord Jesus personally in their lives.

Child protection policy